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1 Frequently Asked Questions
1.1 Is it dangerous to get my dogs teeth cleaned without sedation?

No it is not. Actually it is quite the opposite. Their are many risks to having your dogs teeth cleaned under general anesthetic, including death. The only danger is to the person cleaning your dogs teeth, they may get bit. Most dog do very well getting their teeth cleaned without any sedation at all.  

1.2 How often should i get my dogs teeth cleaned?

Check them regularly for any plaque build up and bad breath starting. If you notice any build up or smell a foul odor, it is time. Each dog is very different in how often they should have their teeth cleaned. It depends on their diets, chewing habits, how often you brush their teeth, their breed and how their teeth and jaws are arranged. 

1.3 Do you recommend feeding my dog raw food?

Yes I do.

It is the healthiest way to feed your dog and ensures they are getting excellent quality ingredients to live the healthiest life possible. A healthy dog means you can avoid frequent expensive vet visits.

1.4 How often should I clip my dogs nails?

For most dogs as soon as you hear them when they are walking around on the ground, it is time to bring them in to have them clipped and ground. Every dog is different but this is a good solid rule for most dogs.